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  2. Social Media Training
  3. Email Swipes to Close Clients for Facebook Ads Services Templates

Email Swipes to Close Clients for Facebook Ads Services Templates

Hey there!

A lot of people are starting to earn big bucks with social media, so we decided to create a soundproof email sequence that will help you close more clients by offering social media services to local clients.

What you’ll see below is a collection of swipes arranged in a soap opera sequence. The purpose of them is to build up trust between you and the prospect up to the closing moment while establishing you as a valuable video consultant that is a no- brainer to their business.

Keep in mind that this email sequence is very similar to what we regularly use when cold calling clients - it was created after various tweaks and experiments. Feel free to use it for yourself in order to close cold clients, but please ​DO NOT share it with anyone else.

A lot of elements included in the following swipes are relying heavily on the ​RIA (Results in Advance) ​method, which is hands down the most effective method when cold calling clients.


Some of the phrases that we used might seem a little odd, so we included an Explainer ​section under each email sequence to help you understand the reasons behind them. That is where you’ll find the real value behind these swipes - explanation detailing the reasons behind certain phrases, structure decisions and call to action schemas.

Mail Sequence #1: Establishing a connection

Subject Line:​ [Business Name], Your Social Media presence is non-existent...

Alternative: ​Social Media can turn your business around Body:

Hey ​[Business owner first name]​,
I’m ​[Your.Name]​ and I’m contacting you on behalf of ​[Your.Agency.Name]​.

I’m reaching you with this email to let you know that your business just took part in an extensive research project that involved a few hundred small-to-medium businesses in your area.

The purpose of this case study was to analyze the size & quality of social media campaigns in ​[Lead.Area]​ have. We looked at numerous niches including [lead.niche]. ​You should know that all your direct competitors have also been analyzed...

I don’t want to keep you long, so let me jump straight to the results :

● Unfortunately, your business is in the bottom ​15%​ of all the businesses we analyzed - based on reach and conversions.

Based on our findings, your online presence is not nearly as effective as it can be - judging by the number of likes. We also did a complete Facebook page analysis to figure out what needs to be done to improve your score and rank higher.

If you are interested in seeing what needs to be adjusted, simply ​Reply​ to this email and I’m going to send it for ​FREE.


As soon as I see a reply from you, I’ll send the report.

Have a great day,

[Your Name]
[Your Business Website]

PS:​ We only contact a few businesses from each industry. Not all of your competitors were informed of this case study.


This first email must not seem pushy in the slightest degree. The only goal here is to establish a friendly connection that we can later use to pitch your local citation building services.

Notice how we used casually mentioned their local competitors. This is one of the best methods that you can use to get their attention from the get-go.

Moving on, we mentioned that we are going to send away a complete PDF report for ​FREE​. The ​FREE​ part is very important because we make it clear that we are providing value for free.

Mail Sequence #2: Follow up question

~After 24 hours (if the subject has not replied)~

PS:​ If the subject replies to your first swipe, jump straight to ​Sequence 3.

Subject Line:​ This will help you improve your online visibility

Alternative:​[Business Name], This might be important to you...


Hey ​[Business owner first name]​,
Did you receive the email I sent yesterday?
I haven’t heard back from you, so I assumed you were too busy to notice it...


We’re giving you a free report that we normally charge $50 dollars for.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, read my first email. You’ll understand.

In the event that you haven’t received my first email, please tell me via the ​Reply button and I’ll send it over (I don’t want to spam your Inbox).

Get back to me when you see this,

[Your Name]
[Your Business Website]


This second swipe is short because it’s only designed to prompt a response. During this stage, we’re only ​trying to get the prospect engaged​.

Notice how we didn’t attach the first email to this message - It’s because we want to do two things:

  • ●  Encourage prospects to respond to our email by replying.

  • ●  Force any prospects that haven’t opened our first email to do so.

    Mail Sequence #3: Sending the Facebook Page report

    ~After Subject has replied~

    Subject Line:​ Here’s everything about your Facebook Page! Alternative:​ Here’s your Facebook Page premium report! Body:

    Hey ​[Business owner first name]​,
    I’m attaching this PDF report with the state of your Facebook page.

    It should give you an idea of the areas that you need to work on to make your business more visible on Facebook. Keep in mind that all your competitors are ahead of you when it comes to local citations.


If you want any chance of being the top business in your area and dominate the Facebook landscape, you need to act upon this information NOW (before it’s too late).

I’m also going to provide you with some additional learning materials & tips that will make you understand business local citations a lot clearer.

Look for my email in the days to come,
[Your Name]
[Your Business Website]
[Attached PDF Report generated via Leads Gorilla]


This stage is all about ​building towards the closing moment​. Notice how we used a subject line that is short but intriguing - this is confirmed to boost the click-through rate exponentially.

Yet again, we played the local competitor card since we want to get the prospect reeling for the closing phase.

Notice how we make the whole issue time-sensitive. Creating urgency is one of the best tactics when looking to get the prospect’s wheels turning towards enlisting manpower capable of helping them recover the disadvantage (That’s you!).


Mail Sequence #4: The Closing Stage

~After 24/48 hours~

Subject Line:​ The ESSENTIALS for Facebook Marketing Alternative:​ Basics of Facebook Marketing


Hey ​[Business owner first name]​,

I hope I didn’t take too long.

As promised, I’ve put together a list of some introductory tips & tricks that should give you a wider overview on Facebook Optimization. Here’s some stuff you need to know:

  • ●  Strategic locations for the keywords -​ The basic form of on-page SEO is, and always has been keyword optimization. You have the Mission, Company Description and About pages as areas which are used as SEO elements, so pay attention to them the most. The SEO title is your fan page name, the meta description is the fan page name and the About section, and H1 is the fan page name again.

  • ●  Content strategy​ - Another extremely important aspect of SEO, is obviously, content. As Facebook rises in popularity, content becomes more and more important, and Facebook page managers let you add extra text to your page, along with hyperlinks and images. As Facebook becomes a more important player in the SEO industry, there will undoubtedly be more options for content, and maybe even some for blog creation, similar to Joomla or WordPress. What this all means is that you should be adapting your strategy now.

  • ●  SEO principles - C​ ontent duplication should be avoided, and the keyword rich content should be in the most conspicuous places on the page. That way, the search engines, as well as your visitors, know exactly what your site is about. For example, the Info tab and About box is immediately visible and keyword rich content that tells people what the page is about is best included here.

  • ●  Backlinks to your Fan page. G​ oogle pays attention to how authoritative the page looks, and this is best judged by a number of inbound links that point to your page. This is exactly why bloggers find it so important to have


their content linked to from other, higher authority websites, which bring them traffic. The same things apply to a Facebook page too, so putting the link on other channels such as a website, or a Twitter or YouTube profile can help a lot.

After reading through the stuff above, you have some starting points in regards to your Facebook page optimization. If you need any help, don’t hesitate to ask any questions and I’ll be happy to help.

In the event that you want a quicker way, we can help you with that. Here at [YourAgency], we proud ourselves of running cost-effective Facebook ads campaigns that helped our clients grow by up to 200% in sales.

If you’re interested, reply to this email and we’ll set up a meeting. Since you took part in this experiment (unwillingly), I can squeeze you on our Loyalty Program.

Reply to this email If you’re interested or call this number ​[Your.Phone.Number]​.

Talk soon,

[Your Name]
[Your Business Website]


In this 4th swipe, we’re giving the prospect a sneak peek into the optimization strategies that you can provide as a local citations expert. We score points for being punctual in delivering the free optimization tips that we promised in swipe 3.

If you read our previous material about the ​Results in Advance (RIA)​ method, then you already know why we decided to provide some value for free.

After providing the free value we casually offer our services to them. There’s no need to sound too salesy, the prospect is already prepared and looking forward to the business proposition.

Send this email, sit back, relax, and wait for the client to close itself by replying to this last swipe.

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