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HVCO eBook Copy Template

X Simple Yet Powerful [Techniques/Tricks/Tips] You Can Use To [Achieve Desired Outcome] – Even If You [Have No Experience/Don’t Know Where To Start]


[Obtaining your desired end result] is one of the greatest feelings you can experience as a [target market]. There is simply nothing else like it. That’s because when you [obtain dream end result], you get to enjoy [benefits 1, 2 and 3 of end result].

However, there are many obstacles you have to overcome before you can get there. Not only do you have to [overcome obstacle 1, 2 and 3] – but you also have to [overcome biggest obstacle], which can be the most difficult challenge of all. All of this can leave you falling well short of the mark and stop you from ever [achieving your dream result].

Fortunately, though, [obtaining desired end result] doesn’t have to be as challenging as you think. Far from it, in fact. Simply by implementing the right tried-and-tested techniques, you can [achieve desired outcome] without experiencing any of the common frustrations.

How would we know?

Because, at [company name], we’re experts at [helping target market achieve their desired outcomes in the shortest possible timeframe]. Over the past X years, we’ve helped XXX+ clients finally [achieve their desired outcome] without the years of hard work and trial and error most people usually have to suffer through.

We’ve written this eBook to share some of the powerful industry secrets we’ve accumulated during our time in [industry]. The information you’re about to read will help you [achieve your desired end result] while making sure you avoid [pain point(s)].

You’re about to discover:

    X simple [techniques/tricks/tips] you can use to [achieve desired outcome] – even if you [have no experience/don’t know where to start]

    How to avoid the 3 most common mistakes made by [target market] – making even 1 of these errors could cost you [hundreds/thousands of dollars] and set you back [months/years]

    X insider secrets that can help you [achieve incredible result] in as little as X [weeks/months] – number 2 will completely blow your mind!

    The TRUTH about [industry] and why [target prospects usually fail at achieving their desired outcome]

By the time you’ve finished ready, you’ll have all the information you need to kickstart your journey to success and [achieve end result].

Let’s get started!




X Simple [Techniques/Tricks/Tips] To Help You [Achieve Desired Outcome]

Some days, [achieving your desired result] might seem like a faraway dream. But, if you implement the right strategies, you can get there far sooner than you think. We’ve outlined X simple, tried-and-tested techniques you can use to [achieve you desired result].


#1 First Simple Technique

If you’re serious about [achieving desired end result], one of the first things you absolutely must do is to [simple technique #1].

[Provide a brief overview of the technique and outline why it is important. Talk about the problem it solves and hit on the pain points of the target market that the technique can help overcome. Draw on your expert experience in the industry and/or use statistics from external sources to back up your point.

For example:

    Intermittent fasting is when you confine your food intake to a short period every day and ‘fast’ for the remainder. For example, you could eat all your meals over an 8-hour period (say 12pm – 8pm) and fast the remaining 16 hours of the night and day (8pm – 12pm). Many recent studies have shown fasting to have a range of benefits – it can decrease blood pressure and cholesterol levels, reduce cravings, boost metabolism and, most importantly, force your body to burn fat. Simply adding this one technique into your health and fitness routine could turbocharge your weight loss and help you finally achieve your dream body!


    It’s absolutely vital to follow up on your leads if you want to boost your sales and get ahead of your competition. Why? Because, according to RELIABLESOURCE.COM, 70% of customers say ‘no’ 4 times before they say ‘yes’. Despite this, an estimated 52% of sales reps NEVER make a single follow up attempt. Instead, they let dozens of potential sales walk out the door every single day! Having your sales reps follow up leads regularly could help you boost your sales in a matter of weeks.


    Practically everyone knows that budgeting is an important part of investing in property – but few people ever do it! When we take on new clients, we always ask if they’ve outlined a budget – and almost every single time we are greeted by the same sheepish grin and awkward silence that tells us the answer is ‘no’. Setting a budget is vital to ensure you know how much you can afford to invest. Without one, you risk overextending yourself financially and could end up tens – or even hundreds – of thousands of dollars in debt.]


#2 Second Simple Technique

As well as [first simple technique], you also need to [second simple technique] if you’re ever going to [achieve desired outcome]. This strategy is really powerful because it can help you [achieve your desired outcome] in a MUCH shorter timeframe.

[Provide a brief overview of the technique and outline why it is important. Talk about the problem it solves and hit on the pain points of the target market that the technique can help overcome. Draw on your expert experience in the industry and/or use statistics from external sources to back up your point.]


#3 Third Simple Technique

Too few [target market] do this when it comes to [achieving desired end result]. Sadly, the consequences can be disastrous and prevent them from ever reaching their goals.

[Provide a brief overview of the technique and outline why it is important. Talk about the problem it solves and hit on the pain points of the target market that the technique can help overcome. Draw on your expert experience in the industry and/or use statistics from external sources to back up your point.]


#4 Fourth Simple Technique

[Simple technique] is another straightforward strategy you can use to [achieve your desired outcome].

[Provide a brief overview of the technique and outline why it is important. Talk about the problem it solves and hit on the pain points of the target market that the technique can help overcome. Draw on your expert experience in the industry and/or use statistics from external sources to back up your point.]


#5 Fifth Simple Technique

A lot of people don’t know about this one – which is crazy because we think it’s an absolute MUST-DO when it comes to [achieving your dream result].

[Provide a brief overview of the technique and outline why it is important. Talk about the problem it solves and hit on the pain points of the target market that the technique can help overcome. Draw on your expert experience in the industry and/or use statistics from external sources to back up your point.]




The X Most Common Mistakes Made By [Target Market] And How You Can Easily Avoid Them

Sadly, when it comes to [achieving the desired outcome], too many [target market] make simple mistakes which cost them dearly. If you’re not careful, you could follow in their footsteps and end up falling well short of your goal.

But don’t worry – we’re here to help.

We’ve put together a list of the X most common mistakes made by [target market] – as well as easy-to-follow tips on how to avoid them.


#1 First Mistake

Far and away the most common mistake [target market] make is [first mistake]. We see it all too often - we’ve honestly lost count of how many people we’ve come across who have made this error.

[Detail the mistake, explain the consequences of making it, and give a brief outline on how to avoid it.]

For example:

    Not hiring a solar power installer who is accredited by the CEC (The Clean Energy Council, the peak body for the Australian energy industry) can be a complete and utter disaster. An accredited installer is held to a higher standard and level of accountability – making them FAR more likely to be trustworthy than someone who isn't. If your system isn’t properly installed by someone who knows what they’re doing, it will not only deliver inferior savings on your energy bill, but it could be unsafe and break down within a few years. You’ll end up paying thousands to have it repaired, or worse – replaced entirely. That’s why you should always ask your provider if they use a CEC-accredited installer to oversee the entire install, from start to finish.


    When building your dream home, you absolutely must do your research to ensure you hire an experienced, reliable builder. Sadly, the industry has too many lazy contractors who cut corners and skimp on high-quality materials in order to improve their profit margins. The result? What should have been your dream home build quickly turns into a complete nightmare. The project runs behind, you’re forced to pay a range of hidden costs and you end up tens of thousands of dollars over budget. To avoid this disastrous scenario, ensure you search online for reviews and testimonials, and ask your builder to see examples of their previous work. You should also make sure they offer a structural warranty and on-time build guarantee so you have peace of mind that your new house will be as picture-perfect as you hope – and that you can move in on time.


    When it comes to growing a 7-figure business, the most common mistake is not knowing your limitations – and not hiring to cover them. In fact, RELIABLE SOURCE, the FOUNDER of COMPANY, says that hiring people who are experts in areas you’re weak in is the best way to grow your company successfully. Sadly, too many business owners let their massive egos get in the way. They refuse to admit their weaknesses and hire a bunch of ‘yes-men’ instead of experts who can take their business to the next level. If you can find talented staff to take care of the areas you’re not as experienced in, you’ll start to see your profits go through the roof and your business will thrive!


#2 Second Mistake

[Second mistake] is another common mistake, and is right up there with [first mistake] in terms of the amount of [money/time] it costs [target market]. It’s such an easy mistake to avoid, but it happens WAY more often than it should.

[Detail the mistake, explain the consequences of making it, and give a brief outline on how to avoid it.]


#3 Third Mistake

This mistake might not be as common as the first two we’ve outlined – but that doesn’t make it any less harmful. In fact, it could be the most costly out of the three – an error that could see you throw away [thousands of dollars/hours of your time] and leave you further away from achieving your goal than when you first started.

[Detail the mistake, explain the consequences of making it, and give a brief outline on how to avoid it.]


#4 Fourth Mistake

While not as costly as [third mistake], this one can still have serious consequences.

[Detail the mistake, explain the consequences of making it, and give a brief outline on how to avoid it.]




X Insider Secrets Which Can Help You [Achieve Incredible Result] In As Little As X [Weeks/Months]

At [company name], we’ve got our fingers on the pulse of the [industry], and we’ve picked up a secret or two during our time. Here are just a few gems that you can use to [achieve incredible result] in as little as X [weeks/months].


 #1 First Insider Secret

Not many people know this – but it can drastically reduce the amount of time it takes you to [achieve desired end result].

[Outline an insider secret/something that few people know about your profession or industry and how it can help your target market achieve an incredible result in a shorter timeframe. Use your industry expertise/statistics as proof that the information you’re supplying can help your target market achieve their desired outcome.

For example:

    The ‘skills’ section is the most important part of your Resumé

Many people think the 'experience' section is the most integral part of an effective Resumé – but, according to 68% of employers, it's actually the 'skills' section. That's because, even if you lack the required experience, you may still possess the right skills for the job – you just haven't had the chance to use them yet. This also means there is a greater room for growth. Doing something as simple as matching your skills list with those outlined in the advertisement could boost your chances of landing your dream job within the next month.


    Many pest exterminators water down their treatment to save money

Sadly, many pest exterminators cut corners by watering down their treatments. That reduces the strength of the treatment and allows pests to come back, straight through your front door. These shady companies recommend you book services every 6 months to rip you off and get more of your hard-earned money in their pocket. Finding a reliable exterminator who uses a full-strength treatment will help you banish pests within 2 weeks – and keep them out for good.


    Property staging can boost your sale price and reduce the amount of time your property sits on the market

Not many homeowners even know what a property stylist does – but hiring one can help sell your home more quickly and for more money. You see, a property stylist will furnish and style your home to increase its appeal to buyers. According to RELIABLESOURCE.COM, property styling has been proven to increase the sale price by an average of 14%. Not only that, on average staged properties were on the market for 2 weeks less than those that weren’t. The bottom line? If you really want to sell your home for top dollar – and FAST – then an experienced property stylist can help you get there.]


#2 Second Insider Secret

This is something [target market] is always shocked when we tell them about it – but once we do, their surprise quickly turns to delight as they realise how much [money/time] it can save them.

[Outline an insider secret/something that few people know about your profession or industry and how it can help your target market achieve an incredible result in a shorter timeframe. Use your industry expertise/statistics as proof that the information you’re supplying can help your target market achieve their desired outcome.]


#3 Third Insider Secret

This is something we’ve learned after X years in the industry – but it’s far from common knowledge, even among other [competitors].

[Outline an insider secret/something that few people know about your profession or industry and how it can help your target market achieve an incredible result in a shorter timeframe. Use your industry expertise/statistics as proof that the information you’re supplying can help your target market achieve their desired outcome.]



The TRUTH About [Industry] And Why Most [Target Prospects Fail At Achieving Their Desired Outcome]

Have you ever tried to do something difficult without help? It could be something as simple as trying to move a heavy piece of furniture – like a desk – all by yourself. You probably knew in the back of your mind that it was better ask a friend or family member for help – but you became impatient and gave it a go, to see if you could do it yourself.

Sadly, shortly after trying, it became clear that you just couldn’t do it. The desk was WAY too heavy. Not only did you knock over the nearby lamp, but you’ve now got a stabbing pain in your lower back… and the desk is still stuck right where it was.

If only you’d asked for help.

Well, the truth is the [industry] is a lot like that. It can be very difficult – or even impossible – to [achieve your desired outcome] without any assistance.

Of course, there is one huge difference. [Achieving your desired end result] isn’t as simple as moving a piece of furniture. No, there is a LOT more to it than that. And the consequences could be far more costly than hurting your lower back or putting a scratch on the wall.

Not only could you cost yourself [hundreds/thousands] of dollars, but you could also set yourself back [weeks/months/years] on your journey. You could end up further away from achieving your [desired outcome] than you are right now.

Sadly, this is something that happens all too often to [target market]. Instead of seeking expert help, they try to go it alone and fall well short of achieving their goals.

That’s why it’s imperative that you ask for expert advice to achieve your goals. And in [industry], there’s no one better than [company name]. We have XX years of experience in [industry] – during which time we’ve helped over XX customers [achieve their desired outcome].

We can help you avoid the common pitfalls, steer clear of the costly mistakes and [achieve your dream outcome in the shortest possible timeframe]. Why risk [worst potential outcome facing target market] when you can use our expertise and proven systems to [achieve desired result]? To find out how we can help, get in touch with us below for a free, no-obligation consultation.




Claim Your FREE No-Obligation XX-Minute Consultation And We’ll Help You To [Achieve Desired Outcome]

Thank you for taking the time to read this eBook – we hope you’ve found the information helpful and can use what you’ve learned to [reach your dream after state].

If you’re truly serious about [achieving your desired outcome], then we have excellent news. For a limited time only, we’re offering you a free, no-obligation session with one of our [industry] experts.

During your XX-minute session, we’ll discuss your current situation, what your goals are and how we can help you achieve them using our proven system.

We’ll also cover a stack of valuable information together, including…

How you can [achieve incredible result in the surprising timeframe], what you should never do when [trying to achieve desired outcome], and how to avoid all the most common mistakes that [target market] make which sabotages their success.

There’s no cost or obligation to move forwards with our service afterwards if you feel like it’s not for you. It’s simply a free information session designed to educate you and provide value to you in advance.

To claim your free consultation, or find out more information about this limited-time offer, all you have to do is click the link below.

Claim Your Free Session Here


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