1. Overview
  2. Email Training
  3. Follow-Up Sequence Template

Follow-Up Sequence Template

EMAIL 1 - Sent 1 Hour after application

SUBJECT - 😎 Want to work with me and my team? Watch this.


Hey [first name], I'm sending you this because you applied for 10X Mentoring.


I want you to know that I truly appreciate your interest.  My mentoring program is one of the things I'm most proud of in business.  It has transformed countless lives and created an abundance of financial freedom all around the world.  I hope you're next.


While I'm excited about the possibility of working with you, I do want to make sure you're a good fit.  My style doesn't resonate with everyone.


To help you decide for yourself, I thought I'd share a surprise training I did at my office.  It's a unique behind-the scenes look...


5 Steps to Becoming a Millionaire »


If you make it into the 10X Mentoring Program, you can expect that I'll randomly drop in like this from time to time.


Whatever it takes to make you successful.  


- Grant Cardone


P.S. In the off chance you don't know me, here is a short "Who is Grant Cardone" video on Youtube. 


P.P.S. As a small town Louisiana boy who struggled for years, it still blows my mind that 10 million people watch a video like that.  Persistence pays.






EMAIL 2 - Sent 24 hours after application
SUBJECT - ❤️ A Message to My Haters


At this point, I may very well have more haters than any other business influencer online.




While I don't waste a bit of energy worrying about it, there are probably a few reasons...


First, I don't sugar coat anything.  Love me or hate me, I will always shoot you straight.


Second is the pure volume of attention I've drawn to myself.  My social media has well over 10,000,000 followers on channels like Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.


In fact, Forbes Magazine named me the #1 influencer in the world to watch.


So to all my haters, I just wanted to say thank you.  Your negativity has fueled me and your jealousy has propelled me to new heights.


Why am I sharing this with you?


Because when you put yourself out there and start making big moves, you're going to get some criticism too.  Some of that criticism may even be from people close to you.


Try not to worry about it because at the end of the day, haters are gonna hate.  The more critics you have, the more money you make.


You do you.  Follow your heart, do the right thing and work your ass off. 


It's time to 10X [first name].


Grant Cardone












EMAIL 3 - Sent 48 hours after application
SUBJECT - 💥 Step 1 for Massive Change

NOTE - Always make sure video thumbnails are links


Hey [first name], thought I'd send a little inspiration your way...



In that quick video I share a lot of the challenges I've had to overcome.  I've looked death in the eyes a number of times, but what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger.


You'll also learn what I believe to be the first step to massive change.  I'll give you a hint: it's not something you learn (quite the opposite actually).


Learn what it really takes to have massive change in your life »


Keep going,


Grant Cardone


P.S. If you do end up getting started in the 10X Mentoring program I told my team to hook you up.  On day 1 we're going to unlock EVERY mentoring training I've ever done.


That knowledge alone could put an extra $100k in your

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