1. Overview
  2. ROAS Training
  3. Low Ticket Starter Kit

Low Ticket Starter Kit

**Ad Scaling Training Add-On is At End of this Document

**If You Bought the Upsell for the COPY MY ENTIRE $12.6M FUNNEL - the link below in Step 3 is updated based on if you buy it or not (it is not a separate google document)

**If You Bought the Order Bump G.O.A.T Add-On it is also on the bottom of this google document (it is not a separate google document)

**If you bought High Ticket Millionaire, Link Will Show Here:

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iwQ9F65PGzcko0EwJz HsKuDlN5v_hW3XowHVlzJRHzE/edit?usp=sharing


Congratulations on taking the right step in your journey to pursue Low Ticket Products and this ENTIRE document is a sentiment to the $12M empire I’ve built so use wisely and take action quickly!

These next couple of pages are going to give you all the information you need to get the following:

The right softwares
The right product to sell (with training included) The right copy (with proven templates)
AND How to run ads to it

AND all the techy stuff you might be worried about. I get it.
I was in your shoes.

This is the best $27 you ever spent money on, maybe even $17 if you grabbed the “Ad Training” which is also getting sent to you (check email for subject line “Scaling Low Ticket Ad Training” - YOU WILL love it

So First Things First - What Do I Sell?

Video Walkthrough On This Part

Here’s a List of The Best Performing Proven Products and a Training to Go Along With It

Copy and Paste
Click For Click
1 Hidden Secret From (X Result The Avatar Would Want)
1 X Away



Fill In The Blank Scripts Sales Scripts
Fill In The Blank
Email Templates Creative Templates Social Media Calendar Starter Kit

7 Tips to (X Result The Avatar Would Want)
So Then Second - How Do I Put It on a Landing Page?

1. Get 14 Day FREE Trial of Go High Level -> https://www.gohighlevel.com/?fp_ref=wojo-media Follow this video for setup - https://www.loom.com/share/5e50291993f044b3a145b1a760386c4f

2. Once You Have GHL, Go into Settings -> Domains and Add a Domain Using This Video:


3. Once You Have Your Account, You Need to Import Our Landing Page Into Your Account:

https://affiliates.gohighlevel.com/?fp_ref=wojo-media&funnel_share=656924aaf907314a2c0228 15

4. Follow This Video On How to Setup Your Funnel and What Edits to Make To Make Your Lander Successful


https://www.loom.com/share/0e9996a04e5a406ab04416fb0e555662?sid=26f47d93-92e1-42ef- 9bfd-4b524149d526

So Then Third - How Do I Get a Good Creative For It?

Here’s My Best Converting Ad Creatives For Low Ticket Products and Just Reverse Engineer Them!

So Then Fourth - How Do I Get a Good Ad Copy For It?

Ad Copy Example 1

There’s This 1 Simple Ad I’ve Used That’s Generated me $122M in Ad Revenue and It’s SO SIMPLE I’m calling it the “Kindergarten Ad” and You Can Get it For ONLY $10

It’s so easy a kindergarten can COPY AND PASTE this into ANY ad account haha ;)

And I’ve spent $30M on this one ad and historically generated $122M in ad revenue (That’s a 4:1 ROAS in 90+ niches and verticals and regardless of social proof, website or industry)

This “Kindergarten Ad” that you just copy and paste into your ad account, and get your NEXT high converting ad in the next 24 hours! (backed by $122M in ad revenue in my entire career)

-> https://thekindergartenad.com/info -> https://thekindergartenad.com/info

This simple “Kindergarten Ad”, FOR ONLY $10, has worked in 90+ niches and verticals SUCH AS:

Ecom Stores
Service Providers
High Ticket Business Owners Local Brick and Mortar Personal Brands / Webinars

So click the link below and get instant access to the simple “Kindergarten Ad” for only $10!

-> https://thekindergartenad.com/info -> https://thekindergartenad.com/info

Facebook Ad Headlines:

This 1 Simple “Kindergarten Ad” That Gets a 4:1 ROAS (Copy and Paste) An Ad So SIMPLE I Call It The “Kindergarten Ad”
You’re 1 Ad Away (Inspired by a Kindergartener)





Ad Copy Example 2

Selling a Low Ticket Digital Product Is The EASIEST and FASTEST Way To Start a 6/7 Figure Business Online in 2023...

OR... Scale Your Current Online Business ;)

You Can EVEN Get Your First Sale as Soon As Today By Copying Our List of Proven Low Ticket Digital Products That I'm Going To Give You...

I Have Taken My Own Low Ticket Digital Product to 12.6M in The Last 3 Years...

And Over 200+ Beginner and Seasoned Entrepreneurs Have Done the Same... (to 6 figures and higher)

You Can See Their Stories and Results on The Next Page...

Faster To Get Up and Running, and Less Work Less Overhead
Higher ROAS When You Run Ads on Day 1 More Customers That Can Turn Into High Ticket

After Helping HUNDREDS Launch Low Ticket Offers...
I Packaged It Into What I Now Call My "Low Ticket Starter Kit" That Includes The Following:

Low Ticket Offer Creation (Fill In The Blank) Where You'll Have Your Low Ticket Offer in Under 5 Minutes

Creative Ad Templates and Ad Copy Templates So You Don't Need To Hire a Graphic Designer or Copywriter

60+ Viral CONTENT HOOKS to Get Organic Sales On Day 1

THE EXACT LANDING PAGE I USE To Convert ALL Visitors Like Wildfire (After Testing 90 Different Websites/Landing Pages)






... and a 30-minute LOW TICKET IMPLEMENATION CALL To Get Your Offer Off The Ground With EASE :)

So Click Below and Grab "The Low Ticket Starter Kit" On The Next Page For Less Than a Dinner

-> https://lowticketstarterkit.com/info

-> https://lowticketstarterkit.com/info

Facebook Ad Headlines:

12.6M in Low Ticket Sales in The Last 3 Years
Low Ticket Digital Product = 6/7 Figure Business
Selling Your Next Low Ticket Digital Product = 6/7 Figure Business


Shorter Ad Copy Example 3

Get 1,000,000 Views in 60 Days by For ONLY $10

These are 60 Viral Video Scripts that you just fill in the blank and get your NEXT Viral Video in the next 24 hours! (backed by 800M video views in the last 12 months)

-> https://www.1milviews.com/no-brainer -> https://www.1milviews.com/no-brainer

Facebook Ad Headlines:

(ONLY $10 ) 60 Viral Video Scripts To Get 1M Views in 60 Days

Ad Copy Example 4

Grab 100 Ad Templates, That Are FIll-In-The-Blank That’s Generated me $122M in Ad Revenue and You Can Launch Your Next Winning Ad in The Next 15 Minutes Or Less

These are the EXACT copies of ads that have CRUSHED it

And I’ve spent $30M on these templates ad and historically generated $122M in ad revenue (That’s a 4:1 ROAS in 90+ niches and verticals and regardless of social proof, website or industry)

This is the MOST NO-BRAINER tool to have on your desktop, send to your team, or start implementing right away!




Fill In The Blank Ad Creatives
Fill In The Blank Ad Copy
Copy and Paste Targeting in 90+ Niches That Are CURRENTLY Working to This Very Day
Story Ad Fill In The Blank Script
My 4:1 Ad ROAS Training (How I Give The Ad Platforms $1 and Get $4 Back Using These Valuable Templates)

-> https://www.adstarterkit.com/100-templates -> https://www.adstarterkit.com/100-templates

These Fill In The Blank Ad Templates, FOR ONLY $10, have worked in 90+ niches and verticals SUCH AS:

Ecom Stores
Service Providers
High Ticket Business Owners Local Businesses

Personal Brands / Webinars / VSLs

So click the link below and get instant access to these 100 AD TEMPLATES (Fill In The Blank) for only $10!

-> https://www.adstarterkit.com/100-templates -> https://www.adstarterkit.com/100-templates

Facebook Ad Headlines:

100 Ad Templates (Fill In The Blank) Only $10

Ad Copy Example 5

Get 1M Views in 60 Days by Using These 60 Viral Video Scripts For ONLY $10
(if you don't get 1M views in 60 days, you get a full refund and $100 for wasting your time)

These are 60 Viral Video Scripts, that you just fill in the blank and get your NEXT Viral Video in the next 24 hours! (backed by 800M video views in the last 12 months)

-> https://www.1milviews.com/no-brainer -> https://www.1milviews.com/no-brainer

These viral video scripts, FOR ONLY $10, have worked in 90+ niches and verticals SUCH AS:

Ecom Stores
Service Providers
High Ticket Business Owners







Local Brick and Mortar Personal Brands / Webinars

Turn your views into customers by using VIRAL VIDEO SCRIPTS that are proven to work and have EVEN worked with ZERO followers, no prior posts, no social proof, or presence online...

So click the link below and get instant access to these 60 Viral Video Scripts and hit 1,000,000 views in 60 days!

-> https://www.1milviews.com/no-brainer -> https://www.1milviews.com/no-brainer

Facebook Ad Headlines:

(ONLY $10 ) 60 Viral Video Scripts To Get 1M Views in 60 Days



Here’s The Video on Launching The First Campaign
-> https://www.loom.com/share/a7 d50422296e49968bee54356a35 0f40?sid=e4627e35-95cc-4f41-a 8b4-59d3f3330600



Order Bump G.O.A.T Add-On



Here’s The Line by Line Text and Breaking Down How I Formulate This Variation (You can test these 2 and see which one wins)


Yes, I Want Access To The "unique mechanism" Video Series


Getting xxx, xxx, xxx, and EVEN ( xxxxxx result) Will REQUIRE

This Add-On Where I Show EXACTLY How I (do the thing that

you’re selling)! I Show The Exact (object) Click For Click So You

Can Get FAST Results! I Usually (charge xxxx amount or it’s

included in my xxxxxx program that’s $xxxxxxxx per year), BUT

Today You Can Add This To Your Order For Only $xx.

Get Access To These "xxxxxxxxx product" Where I Reveal My

Most Hidden xxxxxxxxx Secrets That Have Allowed My Most

Successful Clients To (xxxxxxx result the avatar wants) In

Record Time While Bypassing The (the thing the prospect

believes in getting in the way of them achieving results) That

Allows You To Spend EVEN Less While Generating Even More

Customers! This Information Is ONLY included in my (charge

xxxx amount or it’s included in my xxxxxx program that’s

$xxxxxxxx per year), BUT Today You Can Add This To Your

Order For Only $xx (Getting Access To These (xxxxxxxxxx

product you’re selling) Has Allowed My (adjective of your

clients) Clients To (RESULT THEY WANT) While (BOLDER


BONUSES (attached to upsells and downsells I offered you)

1. 100 Ad Templates + 7 Figure Done For You Script

2. Order Bump Vault

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