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  2. Email Training
  3. 7 Part Email Follow Up Funnel Copy Template

7 Part Email Follow Up Funnel Copy Template

Email #1:

Subject: Did you get this?


Subject: Your first step towards [insert goal here]


Dear [Name],


Yesterday you requested a copy of my free report: [Name of Report], and I just wanted to check in and see if you had a chance to read it yet.


This report is a great first step towards [the goal they want to reach][1] . And I’m sure you’re going to get a lot out of it.


But I also wanted to make sure you saw this:




If you’re really serious about [desired end result], then there’s no better way to get started than scheduling a free strategy session with [my/our] team.


In [30/60/90] short minutes we’ll give you the exact blueprint we’ve used with dozens of businesses[2]  to [achieve goal] fast.


And we’ll even share a few secrets you can use to [another similar goal].


This is a completely free, no-obligation strategy session.


There’s no obligation to work with us again. No hard pressure selling.


Just let us show you how easy it can be to [achieve goal], and then we’ll go from there.


We only have a few slots available each month, so if you’re still interested in [goal], click the link below to reserve your spot before it’s taken by someone else:




Hope to talk to you soon,







Email #2:


Subject: [BIG BENEFIT][3]  in 30 mins…


Subject: Can you hop on the phone?


Dear [Name],


You recently requested a free report on [topic]. [4] 


And I’m glad you did. Because I’m always happy to connect with [someone][5]  who [something related to report and beneficial][6] .


And actually, if you have time I’d love to talk to you in person about this.


Right now, I have [x] free strategy sessions remaining this month.


Book a session today and over [30/60/90] minutes we’ll discuss everything you need to know to [achieve desired end result], including…

  • Where to find Y: "where to find hyperactive buyers online"
  • How to X without Y: "How to get washboard abs without doing a single sit up"
  • And X ways to Y: This is the most classic of all, "Five ways to meet single woman in Melbourne" [7] 

And whatever else we can pack in to the [x] minute session.

This is a free, no-obligation chat where we’ll discuss how you can achieve [desired result/big benefit] this [month/year].

And if after talking you want to talk more, that’s great! But there will be no-obligation for you to do so.

Like I said, I’ve still got [x] spots available on the schedule this month.

Do you want one?

If so, just click here to reserve a spot now.

Talk soon,



Email #3:

Subject: Got questions about [Subject]?[8] 

Subject: Escape from the curse of ‘[topic][9] ’ knowledge

Dear [Name],

How are you finding my free report, [insert name of report]?

I hope you’re finding it really useful.

But maybe it just provoked even more questions about [topic].

That’s what I call the curse of knowledge… The more information you get on a topic, the more confusing it can become. That’s because information in itself is not that useful.

Without some kind of tool to sort through information, prioritise and implement it, you can find yourself getting lost down a rabbit-hole of endless info.

But there is a way out… and that’s through experience.

I’ve been involved with [topic/beneficial result they want to achieve] for over [x] years.

I’ve worked with [company name], [company name] and [company name][10] . And during that time I’ve learned exactly what it takes to [get a specific result fast].

And now I’d like to share these same sure-fire techniques and ideas with you.

I’d like to offer you a free [x] minute consultation to help you sort through the noise and achieve [beneficial goal] quicker than if you were to try alone.

We’ll discuss…

  • Where to find Y: "where to find hyperactive buyers online"
  • How to X without Y: "How to get washboard abs without doing a single sit up"
  • And X ways to Y: This is the most classic of all, "Five ways to meet single woman in Melbourne" [11] 

And whatever else we can pack in to the [x] minute discussion.

This is a completely free, no-obligation chat.

But slots are limited. So, if you’d like to claim a spot just click this link now.

And we’ll talk soon.




Email #4:

Subject: Hundreds of [x] can’t be wrong…[12] 

Dear [Name]

Over the last [x] years [13] I’ve [14] worked with literally hundreds of [x] [15] helping them to achieve [desired goal][16] .

We’ve had a really good run, and it’s help us build an excellent reputation. Just like to one of our clients, [Name] had to say…


These days before [I/we] work with a client [17] I like to make sure we’re a good fit before committing to working with each other.

The easiest way to do this is to spend [x] minutes on the phone getting to know your business, your goals, what you’d like to achieve and so on.

I also like to give something extremely valuable on this call. After all, you need to evaluate whether I can really help you [achieve desired goal] as well.

So, during the free ‘discovery’ call I’ll share one of my key secrets for [getting desired result]. Something you can take away and use immediately to [benefit].

Now, I’m not saying we’re going to start working together after this call. It’s impossible to say that right now. But I’d certainly like to talk to you to see if we’re a good fit.

If that sounds good, all you need to do is click the link below to schedule a free session.



I hope to talk to you soon.




Email #5:

Subject: I’m confused…

Subject: Frankly, I’m a little surprised…


Dear [Name],


Call me crazy, but I’m a little surprised you still haven’t taken me up on my offer of a free [x] minute consult.


If you really want to [insert known desired end result] (and I’m guessing you do or you wouldn’t have even visited my site), then this is the fastest possible way to get started.


Reserve a free strategy session today and you’ll discover…

  • Where to find Y: "where to find hyperactive buyers online"
  • How to X without Y: "How to get washboard abs without doing a single sit up"
  • And X ways to Y: This is the most classic of all, "Five ways to meet single woman in Melbourne" [18] 

And whatever else we can pack in to the [x] minute discussion.

If you’re serious about [achieving desired end result], this should be a no-brainer for you.


Just click here to reserve your free session now and let’s talk.






Email #6:

Subject: Don’t miss this.

Subject: Need to let this go.

Hey [Name],

Over the last few days I’ve been writing to you offering you a complimentary strategy session on [beneficial topic].

As of writing, I still have [x] spots left this month.

But I expect them to be snapped up by the end of this week.

So, if you’re truly, sincerely serious about [achieving some specific, beneficial goal] this [year/month], here’s what I’d like you to do.

Just click this link and register for a free strategy session now while there’s still availability.

Remember: this session is completely free.

And will be packed of heaps of valuable, actionable ideas like…

  • Where to find Y: "where to find hyperactive buyers online"
  • How to X without Y: "How to get washboard abs without doing a single sit up"
  • And X ways to Y: This is the most classic of all, "Five ways to meet single woman in Melbourne”[19] 

I can’t wait to speak to you.

All I need is your details and a time to chat.

Go here to book the best time for you now.





Email #7:

Subject: Last chance…

Subject: I need a decision…

Dear [Name],

Are you still interested in [achieving desired result]?

I’m asking because I need you to make a decision.

I’ve been holding a free [x] minute strategy session for you for a week now. But at the end of today, I will have to release this spot for another [client/customer].

If you’d still like to chat and [discover the key to some kind of specific benefit], that’s great.

Just click this link to confirm your spot right now.

If not, no hard feelings. Do nothing and I’ll give your free session to another [client/customer].

Either way I need your decision today.

What’s it to be?



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