1. Overview
  2. Sales Training
  3. Objection Handling 101:

Objection Handling 101:

1. You close in the first 15min (qualifying)
a. Find objections here - not at the end of the call

  1. ALWAYS address objection upfront

  2. Find the REAL objection - as many circles as needed

  3. Hold the line on payment options

a. Then, if needed, weaponize payment plans as a last resort solution 5. Set follow up expectations on your terms

Objection 1: “I don’t have the money”

Address Objection:
● “Hey! I get it. Money doesn’t grow on trees and, to be quite honest, as a business owner

your #1 job is to not run out of money.”

Probing questions:

  • ●  Money Aside...

    • ○  “Look, we’re not all sleeping on $5000. Truth be told...that would be way uncomfortable (haha). But let me ask you something money aside - can you see this program/strategy getting you to your targets? Like, if you DID have $5000 under your mattress, would this be a no brainer?

    • ○  “OR, is there anything else holding you back from joining today?”

  • ●  Weigh the Cost...

    • ○  “Is this a ‘I literally don’t HAVE the money’ situation, or more of a ‘I’m afraid of departing from the money’ situation?

    • ○  “What is solving ‘x problem’ worth to you? Let’s place a dollar figure on it now together.”

    • ○  “What’s the alternative - we leave the call today. You keep $5000 in the same account. What changes?”

  • ●  IF Money is the objection- 2 options:

    • ○  #1. Solutions...

      • PayPal credit

      • Use multiple cards

      • Offer payment plan

    • ○  #2. Dead Deal...

■ Know when the deal is dead - if truly no options are on the table for $

move on and learn from the deal - qualify better next call

Objection 2: “Let me think about it”

Address Objection:
● “Yea! Absolutely. I totally understand. In fact, in a former life I was the King of ‘thinking

about it’. However, unlike me back then, I don’t want that to paralyze you from taking action.”

Probing questions:

  • ●  Get Clarity

    • ○  “Tell me, what do you want to think about specifically?”

    • ○  “Usually when I’m thinking about a purchase I end up considering the product,

      the service & the pricing (upfront, terms, interest, etc.) - Which one of these

      things is your biggest consideration to think on now?”

  • ●  Offer Solution

    • ○  “What else specifically could I provide you with - clarity or strategy - to assist in making this decision?”

    • ○  “Tell me - On a scale from 1-10 10 being you’re ready to move forward right now and 1 meaning you wouldn’t do it if it were FREE...where would you out yourself on that scale? Why? What would make it a 10 right now?”

  • ●  Put Options on Table

○ “If not this, what else would you be pursuing for ‘goal’”?

● Schedule Follow Up

Objection 3: “Need to talk to spouse/partner”

Address Objection:
● “Well, I’d hope so! Communication is key in any relationship, and I’m not in business to

split up marriages (haha).”

Probing questions:

● Identify Decision Maker

○ “Who is it that you need to talk to specifically? Awesome! What’s their name?”

● Identify Decision Maker’s Objections

○ “So, what do you think Cindy will say when you bring this to her?”

● Empower Busting of Objection

○ “If I were Cindy, sell me on this. Like why are you so confident in this working?”

  • ●  Offer Solution

    • ○  “Would you be against Cindy joining us on our follow up discussion later this week?”

    • ○  “Would it help make your case if Cindy joined our follow up discussion later this week?”

  • ●  Schedule Follow Up

BONUS: Followup Protocol:

*Hold the line before settling on followup - 3 sales loops (at least)
*IF* a prospect shows up to our followup following this protocol, I have a 95% close rate following this procedure + 60-75% of them show up and follow the procedure to a T

Followup Protocol:

  1. Set Expectations/Homework for Each Party:

    a. You:

    1. “I want you to actually consider this prior to kickoff, so, I’m going to get you everything you need to make a qualified decision. But, it’s only fair that you have some questions for us to cover before moving forward. Can you promise me two things”

      1. #1.) I want you to bring 3-5 bullet points for us to cover on our followup call tomorrow. They can be about strategy, what you’re most excited about or something we didn’t cover at all. I don’t care what they are - but I want you to bring 3-5 bullet points for us to cover FIRST THING on our call.

      2. #2.) We’re going to schedule a slot for a followup call, and I expect you to hold to that slot and answer when I dial you

    2. “Can you promise me those 2 things, and hold to your word?”

    b. Me:

    1. “Ok great. Now here’s my promise to you:”

      1. #1. “I know you took good notes today, but I’m going to email you within the hour a recap of todays discussion + a couple of additional resources to help spur up those 3-5 bullet points.”

      2. #2. “More time on my calendar and an on time call from me at our scheduled slot”

    2. “So, what works best for you tomorrow or Friday? Morning or afternoon?”

    3. “Ok. Now seriously, when I call you I’m not going to answer and immediately ask if you’re ready and for your credit card. Remember, I’m going to ask for those 3-5 bullet points. Please have those ready or you’ll be a bit embarrassed on the spot, right? Haha”

  2. Get Time on Books

    1. 24-48hrs ahead ONLY

    2. Policy - your job is not to chase after people - you aren’t a political campaign manager for a reason

  3. Start Followup Asking for Questions

a. “So, let’s dive into those questions as we agreed on. The floor is yours!”

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